Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 1

Today is my first day on the CarbLover's Diet [CLsD]. And I have to say that I did open myself up to trying different foods.

For Breakfast...  I had a Banana Shake w/ flaxseed. I have never had flaxseed before. And I couldn't really taste it in the shake [so I am guessing that is a good thing....]. I had this shake at 0630 and it held me over til 1315 when I had my lunch.

then for lunch i had a Chicken Pita Sandwich. i have to say that this is by far my most favorite meal to make. it is sooo simple and very tasty and filling. i used to balk at the idea of any kinda spicy foods. but i have to say that since i have decided that this is my year to break out of my rut and open my mouth to the wonderful world of foods. this was a very nice way to take that first step.
 then for dinner i went w/ a meal that would fill my husband and i both up; the Burger and 3-bean salad. the burger was a lil' bit dry [1st time making it and so i am still working out the tweaks... so any suggestions are greatly welcomed]. now this took me a while to eat, b/c i had never really eaten beans before [excepted baked], so it took my tastes buds some getting used to. i had to ad some mustard to give the burger some moisture [it was that dry!.. and my husband will never complain about anything that i make].
after my dinner i was craving something sweet. so i looked in the CLsD book and found that i can have greek yogart w/ honey & oats as a snack. and man oh man i was very pleasently surprised by how lil' of the yogart it took to fill me up. and how my sweet tooth was taken care of by this.

i have to say that over all today was a good day, and i am very happy w/ CLsD so far, and i can't wait for day 2 tomorrow. i am going to add my cardio in tomorrow, so we shall see if all these good carbs will help me stay energized for my workout like the success stories were talking about in the book.

so far i have to say that this doesn't seem like a diet, it seems like a way of life. i am open to the chance to retrain my brain to remember that there are good carbs out there i just have to be open to try them and remember to stay away from the bad ones.

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